When New Lynn meets Grey Lynn!

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Sitting on the sunny and elevated side of the street this handsome, stylish and solid house stands out as a shinning pearl for frustrated renters in the current market.

All of the essentials you'd expect from a home of this calibre are on show. Hits include high-beamed ceiling, five generous bedrooms, two living areas, one big rumpus, four garages, central gas heating system and ornate lead light. More than 300 sqm of floor area. North facing windows catching sunlights all the time, seamless indoor outdoor flow to a super large deck, stunning view of Waitakere Range, Upper Harbour, North Shore, Sky City and One Tree Hill.
You can not beat the location, city side living makes everything so easy - commutes are a breeze and you have the best in dining, shopping and leisure close by. LynnMall shopping Centre and medical centre are in handy distance. It's all about lifestyle here. Relax in this cosy home with the feeling of being far away from the rest of the world, If you prefer this quiet lifestyle of one of Auckland’s best kept secrets, this is the one for you.
Please fill out an online application from TPS website:


Required documents:

1. Photo ID (Valid NZ driver license / Passport)

2. Proof of income (Latest month bank statement / payslips) --optional

3. Visa (If applicable)

Please attach the required and supporting document in a single email

Please TEXT Daisy and quote the property address if you have queries:

Phone: 0211998787
Email: pm7@missionproperty.co.nz

Move in cost: 4-weeks bond and 1-week rent in advance

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